All the players who will represent Buruj Sports Academy has been challenged to be inspired by some of the fine products of the tournament, who have moved ahead to sign for big clubs in England and the rest of Europe and the latest that come to mind is Reagon Poole who was spotted by the scouts of EPL giants, Manchester United, in 2014 and was subsequently signed by the two-time UEFA Champions League winners.
It was during the Welsh International Super Cup that Reagon caught the fancy of so many clubsides during the 2014 edition and according to the CEO of Team Tours Direct, Terry O’Neill, many more stars are going to emerge this year and he is expecting Nigerian players to be paraded by Buruj Sports Academy to be among them based on what he saw of them during the Dubai International Super Cup held in UAE earlier this year.
“We will like to see Buruj players exhibit their talents in both the English and Welsh Super Cup because we know that they are naturally endowed and they have the prospects of getting the attention of football scouts just like it happened to Reagon Poole during the Welsh Cup in 2014,” the statement reads in part.
The Welsh International Super Cup is known to be one of the most popular
tournaments in the UK for English Premier League scouts and English
Football League scouts to attend and the management of Buruj Sports Academy led by Dr. Salaudeen Waheed, and doing their best to storm the UK with a bunch of young and exciting talents who will use the platform to play their way into stardom.
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